As an Eventornado user, we've created a workspace for you where you can customize your profile the way you want. Your workspace is where you can see your current and past ideas, and the events you have participated in.

Explanation of the Workspace:

Ideas: All ideas you have submitted at events you have participated.

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Applications: All applications you have submitted for events.

Profile: Edit your personal details.

My data: You can delete data in Eventornado related to your user account like likes, comments, event participations, ideas, teams, and all your data, and if you decide to, delete your user indefinitely.

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Email settings: Activate if you want to re-read event summary emails. We recommend you activate it, so that you don't miss out on updates that affect you when you're not online. Once you have registered for an event a set of new settings will pop up. You can then choose if you want to receive a summary of direct messages, direct mentions, and all mentions of any unread messages in any channel you are part of.

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Now when you are satisfied with the settings, let’s go and explore what the landing page of events looks like here! 😉